Alice Through the Looking Glass" is the sequel to Tim Burton's 2010
"Alice in Wonderland," starring some of the same stars (Mia Wasikowska,
Johnny Depp, Anne
Hathaway, and Helena Bonham Carter).
The story finds Alice (Mia Wasikowska), now a captain of a
merchant ship, being summoned through a mirror to return to Wonderland,
where the Mad Hatter
(Johnny Depp) isn't well. He thinks his long-departed family is somehow
still alive, and must get Alice to believe him and track their
Alice's only hope is to travel back in time, which means confronting the
all-powerful Time (Sacha Baron Cohen) to steal the chronosphere, which
controls past, present
and future in Wonderland where she learns about the Hatter's family, the
Hightopps, and the beginnings of the fall out between the royal
sisters, the White Queen
(Anne Hathaway) and the Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter).
Alice Through the Looking Glass has great visually effects and takes you on a colorful journey.
Director: James Bobin
Writers: Linda Woolverton (screenplay), Lewis Carroll (books)
Producers:Tim Burton, Joe Roth, John G. Scotti, Jennifer Todd, Suzanne Todd
Stars: Mia Wasikowska, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Sacha Baron Cohen, Anne Hathaway
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